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Every successful research begins here
I have conducted fieldwork in numerous islands throughout Indonesia. Until now, I have conducted approximately 18 expeditions, where I was a team leader or a field assistant. Please check some photos from the field below.
Collaboration is the key for successful project.
These people listed below are with whom I am (or have been) working together.

Bandung Institute of Technology
Dr. Djoko T. Iskandar (Emeritus)
Ganjar Cahyadi, S.Si
Bogor Agricultural Institute
Dr. Mirza Kusrini
Andalas University
Dr. Imelda Dewi Roesma
Bengkulu University
Prof. Dr. Aceng Ruyani
Dr. Sipriyadi
The National Research and Innovation Agency
Dr. Amir Hamidy
Dr. Evi Arida
Dr. Ayu Nurinsiyah
Yayasan Ekosistem Lestari
Mistar Kamsi
University of California Berkeley
Dr. Jimmy McGuire
Ben Karin
Alexander Stubbs
University of Kansas
Dr. Rafe Brown
Dr. Chan Kin Onn
University of Texas-Arlington
Dr. Eric Smith
Texas A&M University - San Antonio
Dr. Utpal Smart
Memphis Zoo
Dr. Sinlan Poo
Swarthmore College
Dr. Itzue Caviedes-Solis
Leibniz Institute for the Analysis Biodiversity Change
Prof. Dr. Alexander Haas
Dr. Nancy Mercado Salas
Institute of Animal Cell and Systems Biology, University of Hamburg
Dr. Julian Glos
Naturkunde Museum Karlsruhe
Dr. Martin Husemann
Natural History Museum Bern
Dr. Stefan T Hertwig
University of Zurich
Dr. Oliver Halwitschek
Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum
Dr. Tan Hook Hui
Kasetsart University
Dr. Anchalee Aowpohl
McMaster University
Dr. Ben Evans