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Media and Outreach
bridging scientists and layman
Scientists are usually busy with their own science and not really aware that communicating their science is as important as doing science itself. In order to have bigger impact in the societies, scientists need to disseminate their science to both scientific and non-scientific communities, e.g., through public outreaches using different types of media.
Several media coverage and public outreaches related to my science and career path

Press release for new genus of frogs with gastromyzophorous tadpoles (Wijayarana) by CeNaK press. Article is in German.
Original paper is here.

My profile as a scientist was featured by Million STEM (1mwis), a network spotlighting women in STEM to provide visible role models through campaign, community & outreach to inspire the next generation of girls.

My profile (and my focal taxa) was featured in the #ThisIsSSAR

Hamburg held annual event called "Lange Nacht der Museen" (Long Night at the Museum) to promote science and the museum to public. I was invited to take part in this event to share my research in the Sumatran rainforest in the form of 15mins - light presentation (story telling with pictures) for several sessions at the Center of Natural History (CeNaK)-Zoology Museum, Hamburg.

4 - 6 April 2019)
Mildred Dresselhaus Guest Professorship conference was organised by CUI-University Hamburg to serve as a platform for (young) scientists (not necessarily from physics), offering top-level scientific talks, personal perspectives on how to succeed as a scientist in research, and state-of-the-art contributions on topics of diversity, equal opportunity, and the culture of natural sciences. In this event, I wasn't only an attendee, but also invited to participate in the story telling session, sharing about my career as a field biologist (including the obstacles to pursue such career as a woman).

My profile was featured at the website of German-Indonesian Specialist and Academician Association (IASI). Article was written in Indonesian language.

My profile as a scientist (doctoral student) was featured by University Hamburg Magazine 19Neunzehn (in German) and CeNaK press (in English and German)

My research finding about the newly discovered frogs with belly-sucker tadpoles from the island of Sumatra in 2018 was featured in several media including Forbes, Atlas Obscura, Science Daily, Iflscience, and Discovery Channel Canada to name a few.
While receiving many media coverages in English, it was also reported in local language, e.g., by CeNaK press (in German) and by Kompas, Rumah Pengetahuan, Beritagar (in Bahasa Indonesia).
Original paper is available here.

I visited four schools in Bengkulu Province in 2007 to give short introduction about frogs and environment to the students (grade 4+). At the end of the session, students were asked to draw what they can think of frogs and the environment. This program was part of my project which was funded by Chester Zoo Awards.